Classroom To Careers

Crystal Rosario

The decision to enter college comes from the want and the expectation of graduating and gaining a successful career. Students experience excitement for that beginning semester, anxiousness after reading the syllabus and wondering “Can I even do this?”. To the fear of midterms and finals and the sigh of great relief when a semester is complete. This is a cycle until completion with a degree. When that is over you come out of college enthusiastically ready to take on the world. However, we tend to forget the process of getting a job. We would all love it if we could just be accepted with arms wide open in the career we chose but we must go through the daunting process of the dreaded interview. The process in which you must outsell yourself and prove why you are the best fit and how you will benefit the job you are applying for. The video From Classrooms to Careers, does an amazing job giving insight on the in between process of graduating and then going into the work field.

The listening sessions provided a great amount of advice for students going into prospective careers. Each individual that spoke gave great advice on how to prepare yourself for the interview process. I appreciate all the advice that was given but the one take away that truly spoke to me was when Juvanie Piquant spoke about knowing who you are and what you will bring to the table. We often get so focused on the process itself and wonder if we are enough, we forget we put in the time and energy to get to this point. Having the confidence in the hard work you put into going to school to better yourself would instantly release the fear of rejection when going into an interview. When you are confident in yourself and the work you have done you know what to do to be prepared. You know to gather all of your research before an interview, you know what questions to ask to make sure this job is the best one for you. Knowing your worth and potential shifts your attitude when going into an interview. 

After watching this listening session I feel confident moving forward with my degrees as well as a job. I realize simply being a part of this program was one great step in networking with exceptional individuals. This session gave me the confidence and knowledge on how to be fully prepared whether or not I am applying for a job or another program in school.

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