What is Q’onnections?
The goal is to inform LGBTQ+ students and connect them
A program under LGBTQ+ and allies club that pairs up LGBTQ+ students with LGBTQ+ peers.
The program aims to accomplish a sense of belonging within the college in students’ time at John Jay fostering growth, Community building, Advocacy, Leadership, Identity (C.A.L.I).
Reflecting on Making Education More Equitable
Special thanks to JJproductions and Twitter.com/NYoption for helping produce the audio for this podcast. This podcast was made in conjunction with these fellow peers:
There is a delusion within the hegemonic understanding of the American education system. Society postulates that it can liberate marginalized individuals, sustaining a sense of ebullience about the salubrious possibilities. Furthermore, there is deep disrepute towards those who subvert this…