Various discourses following the 2016 election postulate that America is edging fascism. To unpack the vicissitudes responsible for this deduction, we must investigate the influence of the internet. Particularly, its ability to regulate our cultural framework while augmenting the dominance of the American empire. Since its inception, this esoteric realm of the wide web has been replete with spiders. Observing this clandestine blueprint exposes that alas, the internet is another mechanism for the state. Through profoundly pernicious surveillance, institutional figures augment their digital and tangible power. It was Karl Marx who discerned capitalism to be a vampire. Within Marx’s blood-sucking Capitalism, a new terror emerges, that within a spider’s web of surveillance.
Anthropogenic creatures execute draconian measures to monitor this digital space. Parsing niche spaces through obscure anonymity, the state employs technological surveillance as a tool to besiege adversarially erudition. Upon detecting anti-capitalistic desires, these venomous figures entrap and annihilate leftist channels. The media is congenial with these 8-legged freaks. As channels amplify the ostensible threat of communism, they instill a prevalent and divisive fear. The inevitable consequence of an amalgamation of interests is a sort of cultural amnesia. Fear manifests as the symbiotic relationship between these entities renders a harbinger for communication and freedom.
Neoconservative users of the internet are awarded a greater range of platforms to organize. Across various channels, the alt-right is galvanizing with an unprecedented audience. As observed through forums on Reddit and horrifying reply guys on Twitter, this group believes they are the voices being repressed through the media. This sense of alterity gained momentum when Jack, the CEO of Twitter, deactivated Trump’s account. Parsing this phantasm of the infringement of conservative voices reveals a dialectical lack of awareness over the surveillance of spaces. Nevertheless, the epistemological loop of error continues for the alt-right.
While few would dispute the de-platforming of authoritarian fascists, Jack’s decision appears to be a performance. This exercise in establishing boundaries and tolerance occurred years after it should have. Thus, cynical leftists remain ambivalent about Trump’s banning. For many years we have witnessed numerous comrades being removed from the platform. The site removes accounts for acts as futile as making jokes about Nancy Pelosi. The juxtaposition of who has endured repercussions from posting ideas institutes a deep frustration. Eventually, these scenarios implore one to grapple with the implications embedded within the first amendment. The forrmer 45th President utilized Twitter as a tool to encroach his enemies, disseminating incorrect information to millions of followers. Poisonous venom leaked from the user’s fangs. It is too late to alter the course now.