Becoming an “Expert” is an Everlasting Process

I take the perspective of being a true expert as something that is an everlasting accomplishment in life. With as much insight, knowledge, and skill we may contain within a craft and career we’re devoted and dedicated to, there is always room to improve on it each and every day. As a 20-year-old born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, I’ve been fortunate to find my footing in the English and literature department and expand my talents and artistic directions and visions. My “expert process” could be traced back to when I was around six to seven years old.

Growing up I was a very shy child. who often looked to self-isolation and independence from the outside world. I didn’t fit in with the many kids in my schools and often stayed to myself. I would occasionally have outbursts and anger issues that were holding me back from making something of myself. I was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome. My parents acknowledge it, but also understood that I should not let it define me. The experiences and issues I’ve been through shouldn’t erase you of your skills and your importance as a human being.

But the one thing that truly gave me comfort was writing. Writing helped me express myself through a plethora of ways that showcased my talents and my ability to understand my true self. Instead of crying, overthinking, and becoming upset about the many thoughts I had about my life and situations, I used it for inspiration to write and improve myself. Finding my new self within my love for writing and literature allowed me to become more social and step out of my comfort zone. In high school is where I was able to adapt and achieve the most. Throughout my time there I crafted and developed my skills in English, met and connected with people that instantly became influential to me, and took advantage of opportunities that are currently benefiting me towards my career. 

As I’m quickly stepping into the realm of my adult years, I bring together my expert process with writing to correlate with my purpose and outlook on life as a whole. While I was successfully burying the hardships that were stripping my character from many years ago, I still struggled through finding my purpose and place in this world. The fear and uncertainty I had with my future constructed into an existential crisis. Thankfully I quickly overcame it and adapted a positive and insightful outlook for myself.

I view the world around me as a multitude of many different things. I see it as a simulation, a dream, and a reality because of the many things that have happened throughout history and today. I become really curious about the many things that exist in the world, including how and why was it created at some point in history. Regardless of my skepticism that comes surrounding the world. I look past it in the sense of what it means for my life and how I can get the most out of it while I am here living and breathing. My life and reasoning on this earth have been highlighted like this: The meaning and purpose of my life is to achieve success and explore many opportunities that come to me. The life I have is in order to make something of myself, to be happy, to be financially, mentally, and physically stable.

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