The New College Classroom

Professor Cathy Davidson and Dr. Christina Katopodis’s book The New College Classroom details ways of pedagogy in which students can excel in a classroom environment that encourages them to take lead and engage in ways that will propel them not only in their academic careers but in life. This discussion was very interesting and insightful and The New College Classroom will change lives and the education system altogether. Teachers all over can and will look to this as a guide to increase engagement and productivity in their classrooms. Many people do not finish school because they aren’t in environments that are supportive, or taught in ways that make them want to learn. I enjoyed how the authors asked the audience questions as well to get their perspectives and how the authors highlighted statistics and the demographics of the 18 million college students. It is the reason why the method of teaching is so vital and not just the information being given. That was meant to resonate with the listeners and it did. I personally feel this book and method of teaching should be read by every professor, and should be applied in every school. All students, all ages should be able to sit in a classroom that supports and focuses on meaningful learning and outcomes that matter. The discourse on alternative assessments, how to structure equity in courses, and how in order to create life changing learning, the Professor must change too, is absolutely revolutionary. As a student I have always excelled in a classroom environment where I was able to freely participate and speak my mind and it is crucial we create this space for all students. 

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