My current major is the worst major to currently have right now, as post-2024 Election, my newsfeed is just choc-filled with an executive order, this executive order that, and social media feeds with commenters saying, “I’m regretting my vote” and “I love my president as he puts me to sleep every night” and other asinine comments of a self-proclaimed demagogue who is now Commander and Chief (Again). Of course, that major is the iconic Political Science and Government track, which up until my third year of college, was a pretty great major until now as I have become cursed with knowledge every second, every hour, and every minute.
Nonetheless, I chose this major because the field I plan on pursuing after graduation is law. Political science is a field that combines multiple disciplines into one that is fundamental to every aspect of the law and life. There are sociological aspects of why people feel or do things. Writing is an important part of the study with the infinite amount of research and papers, political implications with the functions and conducts of the government with the effects of people good and bad. These were all things that I considered picking this major, and since I enjoy studying politics and talking about it with some people it was a perfect fit, along with all of the things that correlate with going into a career in public service, understanding the climate, people and their feelings, and knowing how to execute ideas into actions.
Public interest law was the type of law I had my eye on post-law school. Becoming an assistant district attorney or assistant attorney general was my top choice as I felt like I could stand for my city and my people and stand up against corruption. I have been trying to work for people ever since I started college, from being in the Borough President’s office to Legal Hand, and now the New York State Attorney General. I’m not interested in helping our faceless corporate overlords that only serve to make money or be like any of the sleazy lawyers I have come across from real experiences and on the news. However, recently I have reconsidered doing public service as we have been seeing the justice system faltering and lawyers all over the country questioning how breaking the law is going unpunished in a newly emboldened right-wing government. I have until my last year of law school week to figure out what I want to do exactly but maybe going private wouldn’t be such a bad idea in a post-2020s world. But before that, I have to figure out how to get the LSAT score I want to stay competitive and how to pay for a $200,000 degree (price to be determined). And yeah, the plan is K-JD. No gaps. That’s the best plan for me, I don’t want to graduate and get comfortable not being in school, because then, I’m not going to want to go back. I need to get this over with and start taking more control of my life, even if that means sacrificing a non-existent vacation.