The title is inspired by Regina King’s, “One Night in Miami”, a film chronicling a night shared by Mohammad Ali, Jim Brown, Sam Cooke, and Malcolm X. This story of one night in The Bronx isn’t nearly as iconic, but maybe it could be one day if hindsight is 20/20. That’s why Elijah Marcel’s story begins 34 years from now, it’s 2055, and he’s sort of in the middle of a job interview. In fact, the interviewers are politicians, the room is on the United States Senate floor, and his job application is for Director of the FBI. It seems unlikely Marcelin’s nomination will have any strong opposition until a junior senator inquires about the night of one historic protest turned violent in New York City. Rumors fester surrounding Elijah’s time as a 19-year old activist in the summer of 2020, which raises questions he refuses to answer in detail. Questions become accusations amid polarizing Senate hearings.
Evidence is gathered, witnesses are called, and the events of one night that haunts Elijah’s future begins to unravel before the eyes of a nation.
OMG, One Night in Miami was such an incredible film. I find myself just randomly thinking about it throughout the day, lol. I can’t wait to see your screenplay.