What are my goals?

I am majoring in Finance and double minoring in Italian and International Marketing, and I would like to work in the financial field as an Equity researcher (I think). I would love to further my education after finishing my undergraduate degree, I am just stuck on what I should continue. Education is never wasted, whether you continue what you received your master’s in or not, education is power. Which makes the discussion about the future less frightening. I love numbers and found myself interested in finance at 17 when I was in the Academy of Finance! Well, not entirely. It is true, that I was 17 in the Academy of Finance, working on personal tax returns, getting exposed to the business field through internships, and taking college-level courses. Being immersed in the business world from a young age has only made me think about what else is out there. Pertaining to my interests, no day trading from 8 am to 8 pm doesn’t particularly make me jump up and down. But you have to do what you have to do. As a junior in college, in a new country engulfed in a new culture, these have been my racing thoughts as I ponder my goals.

Being abroad in Italy has exposed me to so many amazing creatives who have shown me a new perspective on the arts. Designing and hand-making garments isn’t a ‘hobby’, it isn’t something that I do in my free time to make the day go faster. Designing and creating is what I love to do but in a world that is losing the art of arts, my love is deemed a hobby. I am working on making more connections in the fashion industry and I hope to get both of my feet in the door this summer. Might I add, this summer I will be an accounting intern which makes me excited to be integrated into the workforce again. My goals are changing and becoming more defined with each day that goes by, I know I want to continue what I love and further my education.

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