Blog 01: Recap of the Event New Classroom

Blog 01

Recap of the Event New College Classroom

The event which was held by Cathy N.Davidson and Christina Katopodis was an outstanding presentation about how the education system should be. There are many changes that came up in everyone’s lives specially after the Covid-19 pandemic. This is something which was reflected during the presentation. Both speakers illustrated the struggles of the students in the classroom and how they are not able to express their creativity because of being confined with some rules. At the beginning of the presentation they discussed the old norms and rules of the classroom settings. This is something where they focused because of the system, it is impacting the students negatively. That’s why they want to make change as it is something inevitable. As it was also mentioned during the presentation how change is something that does not mean negative, it can refer to something positive and good change in student lives. I really like the way they mentioned some quotes which captured my attention. Among them one of them was how one should raise their hands even if they don’t know something. It is not necessary for the students in case of answering the question that they have to know the answer. Even if you don’t know the answer you should raise your hand. The reason behind is because that’s how one would be able to learn and enhance their knowledge. This is something I felt important and the need to discuss about. They also went over different kinds of surveys which depicted the way how students feel about study. One question which I felt as a student I could relate to is how professors ask us at the end of the semester about our overall experience with the class. I agree with her how essential it is to ask the students which part students are struggling with or what they would like to improve on. At the end of the presentation, the speakers were asked some interesting questions and while answering the question some words of Cathy which I totally agree with her. She said, “The pandemic was not something to stop us, instead it is a call on how we have to bring some changes”. This last line at the end of the presentation touched me and encouraged me how important it is to make the world a better place. 

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