Trying Out New Things Is Good For The Soul

For my project for the Peer Leader program, I chose to start a podcast with my very good friend Nick. I could not have chosen a better co-host! We reconnected after so much time and we hit it right where we left off. The first episode’s topic was (I’m not going to lie) a bit heavy – death and immortality. This pretty much sums up all my friendships; I can never be close friends with someone I can’t have conversations such as these. Philosophical debates are the road to my soul. I think about the meaning of my life often. Things are busier than ever and I haven’t had the time to have existential crises as of late. The past few months has been incredibly intense. Two people who I once called friends turned out to be complete nightmares. A relative passed away from complications of cancer. My current apartment is a total disaster. Everything keeps piling on top of each other. I’m completely burnt out and the only thing that keeps me going is the prospect that the situation will improve in the future. I have had so many rock bottoms for the past 25 years of my life, I treat them with the same attitude as going to the supermarket to pick up some groceries.

Anyways, here is the link to my new podcast ‘Anything in Between’ coming out with new episodes on every Friday! This is the pilot episode and it is ROUGH, phew! I would love it if you listened to it and leave feedback in the comments. We went into the recording totally unprepared – I woke up from a nap right before recording, we had no formal introduction and WE DIDN’T DECIDE ON A NAME! We needed to go straight into it to fully experience what we lacked and needed. Trigger warning though – we do brush up on the topic of suicide at the very end. As a suicide survivor, my views on it are from my experience in the past. I’m not at risk any longer, but I do consider it in a way that most people might think is vulgar or provocative. That being said, ENJOY THE MADNESS!!!

2 thoughts on “Trying Out New Things Is Good For The Soul

  1. Sharifa Thompson

    Hi Su,

    I listened to the podcast and I loved it! I’m also a huge fan of the trolley problem, although most times I have discussed it within the parameters of psychology and not philosophy. Nevertheless, I loved the way the conversation flowed so naturally. I’m really excited to see what topic you cover next!

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