I Don’t Even Know Where To Begin

I’m actually on campus writing this post. Its weird, the library is so much quieter, I can only see two other people on this floor with me, and they’re not social distancing. I came to campus not only because of my class I have later today, but I really needed to catch up on school work. Ive been so behind, don’t you guys agree? A lot of professors have been giving out one chapter a day vs one chapter a week. Do I consider it unfair? Yes. Do I think that they are over compensating themselves with the amount of work being given out? Totally. Will that change anything? Probably not. I’ve been so out of it. My mental health health has been declining slowly over the past month.



Some of you may not know this about me, but I actually am homeless. Ive been couch surfing for two years. Right now I am stying with my fiancĂ©’s and his parents but even they’re starting to make me feel like a burden. I mean I don’t blame them imagine your son brings home a lost puppy but this time they brought a whole human! It really has contributed towards my self worth, because anything I seem to do isn’t good enough. In-laws, am I right? It has decreased y rate of productivity and I used to invest all that emotional energy into schoolwork but now that its online it doesn’t seem fun anymore. It’s like the negative emotion Ive been feeling from them has intercepted in every room in the house. So I lock myself in my fiancĂ©’s room hoping I don have to deal with any of them. My friends are distant. Usually. I’m the friend that contributes to therputic/venting conversations. However, where are they when I need fixing? I again, don’t blame them because what can they really say? As rude as it may sound, I don’t quite care that they are their for me? It just seems like filler or what you should be saying to someone going through rough patch.

I’m okay guys! Trust me, I have MDD and BPD so these moods/episodes is my norm. COVID-19 sucks huh?

3 thoughts on “I Don’t Even Know Where To Begin

  1. Sharifa Thompson

    Hi Mariam,
    I was honestly not ready for that level of vulnerability. I thought you were going to say something like you hated pineapple on pizza or some other monstrosity. I’m glad, however, that you felt comfortable enough to share this with us. Also if you ever want to talk to someone, I have an open dm policy so feel free to message me whenever.


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