September 2nd, 2020: Charlie
An early-twenties man struggles with his past. Charlie, a former gang member, is traumatized by his past mistakes and doesn’t see a future for himself. He struggles with making friends, and we quickly see why. On the brink of suicide, Sheyla Nicholas tries to help Charlie come to terms with his past life.
Hi Tarell,
That was very interesting. Is this going to be a series because I have so many questions. Is Charlie going to go through with it? Where did his mother go? How did his dad get into gang banging?
I feel like I’ve definitely become way too invested in this plotline but it was a great read.
Hi Sharifa,
As of right now, I currently have plans to continue his story in the full script at the end of the academic year. Unfortunately, Charlie won’t be the main character, but I will be creating and introducing more characters along the way.
Glad you enjoyed!
Tarrell, there is so much that you touch on in such a short space. Like Sharifa, I am invested also, maybe for different reasons. Great read.