Dare to Dream

My first rejection from a nursing school was a life event that had the most influence over me. I was sobbing because I’d lost something I’d never had – a chance. While in high school, I was very confident in myself and my grades, which led me to believe that I was prepared for a career in health care. I recall my first few classes as a freshman, and it was evident that life humbled me in a split-second. I began to develop an irrational fear and anxiety that I might not be sufficiently qualified for nursing school. That life event influenced my decision to pursue a degree in human biology, which had very similar prerequisites to graduate. It has been two years since that tragic event, and I’ve finally received answers to my unresolved concerns. I can achieve my dream. The definition of a career is not what you do, but who you are. It reflects the type of nurse you would want as a patient. We all expect nurses to be caring and patient, but the reality is that there are different levels of care. Currently, my future goal is to become a Pediatric Oncology Nurse. Becoming a pediatric oncology nurse is a labor of love. It entails treating children with cancer, and as much as I enjoy working with children, I also want to assist families going through difficult times. A cancer diagnosis is a traumatic and upsetting experience. These are innocent beings who have no comprehension of what cancer is, but they fight bravely every day for their loved ones. I hope that someday I will be able to provide comfort as well as use my skills when needed, and I also hope that everyone dealing with cancer will be able to ring the bells with beams of smiles on their faces. I’d venture to say that my passion is my ambition and vice versa.

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