Humanities Alliance Recap

I truly enjoy every aspect of this program and this meeting solidified why I am here. Off the bat, this meeting was such a safe space full of people who were eager to listen to you and talk together. Although there was a great number of graduate and doctoral students, it did not feel exclusive at all. When we went around in a circle I remember a girl saying that she went to Hunter because she didn’t get into her other choices and I resonated with that as well. In my school upstate they never stressed CUNYs and I was in the mindset that NYU and Northeastern are the schools to attend and all the other ones wouldn’t allow me to achieve my goals. I found out that mindset was wrong the second I applied to Baruch and saw how inclusive and diverse the school is. It was so nice hearing other people’s opinions on CUNY who actually attended or currently attend the system. So many intelligent people in a space made me think about my experiences and how I truly enjoy the CUNY system. Although it is not perfect, there is so much to respect and love about CUNY, Humanities Alliance and CPL being some of them. I fully believe and know that no other University, college, or school system offers programs like these, a safe and supportive space full of educators and motivated students. Listening to everyone made me realize I have gone through most of what these people have experienced in CUNY which connects us in so many ways. This is where I feel wanted, I love listening to others experience in the CUNY system, some were left no chose to come and others dreamt of being here. It was amazing to sit in on this and I would love to attend another one.

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