
We really ended 2023..but I feel I didn’t accomplish much. 

As I’m sitting down writing this I realized I have accomplished a lot, though it is not huge. I have put a lot of effort into getting through spring,summer, and fall classes. Are they mentally draining? Of course they are! 

I only had a one week break between classes, plus I was working a full-time job that required me to teach/mentor High School seniors about the college process. When classmates said summer classes are double work- I thought it’s not that bad- it is! When taking summer courses, be ready to work in a fast paced environment and learn how to juggle homework, with other responsibilities. 

Despite having a one week break in between classes, I must say I’m thankful for summer 2023 teaching me how to manage time, something I would usually take for granted. It helped me realize that time is a luxury and it needs to be taken more seriously. 

Though I have been ranting on how my academic school year in 2023 was very stressful. I want to talk about how much I neglected my fur babies. I have two cats and two dogs.- which I love a lot. They have helped me go through a lot and often are my support system, as they are the ones I only open up too. Yes very cliche to say but it’s true, when they look back at me, I feel like they are saying “You got this” 

Shadow, Blossom, and Winnie are two years old and Bella, my youngest, recently turned a year old. Shadow and Blossom are cats and like to have their alone time but sometimes seek attention. While Winnie and Bella are more attention seekers and love to cuddle. 

As I entered 2024, and finally had a break from classes, I realized how lonely Winnie and Bella felt and how much play time they didn’t get from me during the past year. To be honest, winter break was a wake up call for me, especially considering that I’m not by myself anymore but have to care for four fur babies. 

As a person, who has committed to take care of these four babies for the rest of their lives, I have realized to not always prioritize work over family. I never really understood this phrase but 2023 made me realize what that phrase meant. 


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