Soundscape Project

Soundscape link:

It was 6:00 AM, and I found myself immersed in the soothing melodies of a YouTube playlist titled “Relaxing With Chinese Bamboo Flute, Guzheng, Erhu | Instrumental Music Collection.” Having recently woken up, I decided to unwind in bed and let the music wash over me. Meanwhile, my puppy Bella was engrossed in chewing on her teething toy. She typically woke up earlier than I did but was known for her silent contemplation or solitary play, quite unlike her brother Frankiewinnie, who was dozing peacefully next to me. Frankiewinnie was the laid-back one, always looking for a chance to rest. This particular morning, however, was exceptionally peaceful, a welcome change from our usually chaotic mornings filled with breakfast and potty duties.

I couldn’t pinpoint exactly how I stumbled upon this playlist, but I knew one thing for sure: it brought me a sense of peace and tranquility. This peace extended to my furry companions as well. In the evenings, just before bedtime, I would play the playlist to calm them down, especially when they got their evening bursts of energy. They had learned that when the playlist started, it was time to wind down and prepare for sleep. The music was a welcome help, particularly after long days of classes and work.

Though I had no experience with Chinese instruments, I harbored a desire to learn to play the Guzheng. Ever since I first heard its enchanting sounds, I had developed a deep fondness for this instrument. I hoped to one day play it for my beloved pets.

Below is a picture that captures the essence of our peaceful mornings, with Bella being unusually calm on that particular day.

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